Monday, March 17, 2008

What makes a good website? He should know!

A profile in Sunday Times chronicles the impressive story of Bebo, having launched in early 2005 and grown into the third most popular social networking site after Facebook and MySpace, and recently the selling of the site with 40 m users to AOL for $ 850 m. According to the article, co-founder Michael Birch once drew the following analogy:

...comparing a good website to “walking into a bar when it’s vibrant and buzzing”.

This captures the energy that has characterizes a good website, that it offers something more than just content and connections. Actually, the quote implies that conversations are an essential part of good websites; it's hard to imagine a vibrant and buzzing bar without that. Muhammad Saleem also has an interesting post about the distinction between the enabling of connections and conversations and the greater value of the latter.

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